Join and create the Conscious Living – A Life Design Camp 18-22e december.

Time for a new direction in life? Tired of the old? This is a 5 day Camp focused on change and turning you into a lighthouse in living consciously. Are you living a beautiful life being successful in many ways and good at what you do but having a sensation it’s not fulfilling for you? Or do you experience too much stress? A retreat where old habits and patterns are dissolved and new seeds and intentions is planted in a gorgeous and relaxing environment might be the next best step for you!

Unique approach – a clean slate before designing.

I noticed while coaching people all over the world for many years that what really align us with our dharma, our lives purpuse, is not so much about making big plans as releasing ourselves from the old ones. When we manage to do that, life flows elegantly in the most amazing directions and we experience the magic of life that surprises us daily with blessings.

This Life Design retreat is unique in its emphasis on dissolving the things that obstruct your dream life – all the things that are creating the things that we are not happy with and attract more of. On a lawn its easy to see the beautiful tree. In a jungle its almost impossible. By cleaning things up we need to put less effort in the manifesting.

We have layer upon layer of assumptions and “truths” regarding how our life shall be in our subconscious that hinders our life to flow effortlessly in a meaningful direction. It obstructs us from attracting what we desire and it obstructs us from enriching ourselves and the fellow human beings around us. This is why I will provide a powerful mental and emotional detox as a part of this Life design retreat.

What will happen? 

I fix a great venue or rent us a house where we can hang during the days and co-create a space where magic can happen, as it tend to do. Oh, and I want to arrange some assume food for us as well!

My part

The Camp will include a detox from old “thruths” and beliefsystems that run our lives and obstruct us to manifest what we long for or feel the way we want. We create intentions and plant seeds for new things to grow and take the first babysteps in the right direction. We will also cultivate the power of Mindfulness and learn methods to relate healthy to the two things that usually run the show – our thoughts and emotions. Relating differently to those two can mean freedom for real. With these methods you can relase yourself continously after the retreat. I will also offer continous meetings to support the new direction in life (join for a small fee). This i my humble intention and contribution, and will occupy the mornings until lunch, the rest is you.

Your part

How great, fun, relaxing and meaningful can this Camp be? Allow youself to create your dream-retreat together with me! I leave the afternoons of the retreat open for us to design together. Do you want the Camp to contain anything else like for example yoga, sightseeing, astrology, surfing, massage or healing? Or is there something you want to contribute with yourself? If so, and we find it suitable for this specific Camp, that contribution will be a part of your payment. Well, just write me and lets see just how amazing these days can be in paradise!

Outline of a day schedule

10.00 Morning sharing

Topic of today


13.00 Lunch

14.30 – 16.30 Afternoon, activites, workshop, lectures, etc…

Sign up now and lets make it happen!

Book your place (limited space) by sending an e-mail and Pay 50% deposite via PayPal account: When we are over 5 participants we know the show will happen and you will be notified. In case of a cancelled Camp due to few participants you will be given back the deposit.

Suggested Price is 375€ for 5 days Camp including lunch. Note that accomodation, travel and transportation is not included*. The price may be adjusted slightly depending on the suggestions from participants. The price may go down if there is many participants (over 15). The price may go down by you contributing something to the Camp.

Early bird offer 1: Book before 31st of October and get a free session of Mindfulnesscoaching by Jonas Faremo (value 120€).

Early bird offer 2: Book before 30th of October and get a free hour of massage by local massage therapist.

*You book flights and accomodation in accordance with your own taste and budget and are responsible for transporting yourself to the Camp-venue every day. You will be informed about the wherabouts if you inquire to and the exact venue a few days before the Retreat starts. (With taxis, bike-taxis and rental bike and push-bikes around any corner, getting to the venue is seldom a problem.)


Book the Camp here!

9 + 2 =

The law of least resitance is the law that nature follows.

To be in a state of flow, you need to become your true nature.