“Because of what I engage with, at times, my research and advocacy can become isolating, saddening, and stressful. The guidance and support from Jonas helped me to calm, re-center and re-focus. Not only did I benefit at the moment but I learned some ideas and approaches that can help me going forward.
Overachievers, especially if doing meaningful work, will benefit from support from Jonas to return to balance, or maintain it. He wants leaders to succeed in making a significant contribution to the world while nourishing not sacrificing other aspects of who they are.”
(Executive Mindfulnesscoaching)
“I had the opportunity to work with Jonas Freeman during the co-creation of Planetary Balance Complex systems Conference 2020 bringing some 100 of the worlds top scientists together. Jonas played a key role in developing a global framework that effectively presented the complexity of confronting the challenges of Planetary Balance in a simple planning and execution manner.
He has had many experiences of impact business development with a focus on integrating the social, environmental and economic issues. An example of this is the Good Karma Seaweed project that is a unique blue economy project of high relevance in Indonesia, with it’s 19.000 islands and over 50.000km of coastline.
Jonas with his expertise in business development and mindful leadership excels in integrating decision making towards implementing the critical elements of sustainable development challenges.I strongly recommend Joans as he truly has practical experiences of team building to create from the ground up to regional and globally relevant business development whilst ensuing real social and economic responsibility.”
(Impact Business Development, Planatary Balance)
”(Impact Business Developmet, Planetary Balance)
“I am happy to recommend Jonas Freeman. He played a very constructive role in the formation, organization, and activities of Planetary Balance.”
(Impact Business Developmet, Planetary Balance)
(Impact Business Development, Planetary Balance)
“Jonas is a grounded, experienced, highly intelligent, thoughtful coach and strategist. He has been tremendous support for me over the past year as I experienced the full range of emotions and stressors of launching a new business. His ability to cut through the drama and get to the core of an issue has been a blessing.
I have felt at all times that everything Jonas says is highly considered and based on his own learnings and experience. At the same time, he is speaking with humility and compassion. Having Jonas on our team makes me sleep better at night!”
(Executive Mindfulnesscoaching & Conscious Business Brand Strategy )
“Jonas has been a key success factor for me in my book launch and with that also coaching me in my personal development. I have really appreciated his mix of business knowledge with the personal alignment. Finding and lifting the strengths within me and making that into business success factors. I am impressed with him after our sessions finding the perfect strategy that just is spot on.
From a personal development perspective he has a fine touch of pushing the right buttons and finding the right step for me to take. It has been a very challenging journey so that has been another success factor. I can highly recommend him both for strategy work and with personal development.” (Conscious business. See Thomas on TV here)
“Working with Jonas as a coach has had a huge impact on both my professional and personal life.
I’ve learnt to trust my intuition and Jonas have guided me on how to follow my entrepreneurial path in an effortless and joyful way while developing and growing my business.”
(Conscious Business Coaching)
”We are extremely happy with the result in terms of customer and organisation as well as the performance of Jonas himself. We would like to recommend Jonas to similar assignments… …Maybe his foremost abilities is his combination of being a good listener and also an energizer always looking for reality in a positive way. He has a relaxed outlook on life and is naturally calm while having the ability to provide us with energy, a lot of energy when needed!”
(Conscious Business, Brand Strategy & Conscious Teambulding)
“In the short time we shared together I felt that I was able to express areas in my career where I was feeling sticky, and reach a positive outcome with the support of Jonas. Jonas has a unique ability to calmly get a whole-hearted grasp on his client’s story and barriers and, as the session concludes he seems to miraculously and efficiently offer up sound tools and advise for making progress and finding a sense of spiritual relief. I found Jonas to be an incredible and intitative listener, as he quietly evaluated my predicaments, gently took notes and then summed up with such user-friendly and productive steps for me to take away. Thank you Jonas for your time and skills.”
(Conscious business)
“With the help of Jonas I got clarity on my business. He supported me in creating order in the book shelf of possibilities from the mess of thoughts and ideas that where all over the place. Twisting and turning I found what is important for me, where things fit in to my life. The end product was a concrete graphic profile in words and images. It made it possible for me to develop a genuine website that I now love. This is one of Jonas Strength´s; with humor, dedication and great knowledge about the creative process guide people to a leadership of their business where both the business and the individual is flourishing.”
(Conscious business)
“The beauty of life coaching with Jonas Was certainly to give in and rest into his guiding questions only to find trust in the answers I already had within. His Life coaching is a powerful tool but with it comes also a tremendous responsability that is only mine to use to change the things in my life that I can or accept the ones I can’t. His guidance helped my inner noise organize into stillness, my ears to listen better and my eyes to search for clarity. A true blessing. Much grateful.”
“An Excellent course! Jonas is clear, calm and harmonious. He is good at guiding the exercises and I wish I had bought more time for the course itself. I have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of silence, meditation and non-valuing. I also got a great reminder of how wonderful it can be “just to be”! After the course I find myself more conscious about my breath, hence I am more present. I can also just be in a tricky situation without passing judgments, I even find myself stopping to reflect now and again!”
(Mindfulness course, Concsious business)
“I now have a coach that has propelled me into doing. I have become more confident and clear in my leadership and I have a lot more fun. Clarity for my own sake gives quicker and more understandable decisions. The increased confidence makes it easier to plan and take decision.
(Executive Coaching, Conscious Business)
“I met you in the right time of life. My life was beautiful in Paris, inside and outside. But there was no stability and direction I felt. Now I have found the answer for what my life is for. I feel I am further then before. I didn’t know where I was, and what I wanted but lived a beautiful life.
I new my part on this planet had to do with growth. Growing myself and also to help others grow – but how? Now I know how and are already doing it I realized! On the journey I made a lot of important small decisions ending up in a totally changed life, outside and inside. I found the power of many little steps. Working with you was like building a house. It has been a space or frame for me to take actions. For my business and future.”
(Conscious business)
“Jonas led me behind smart solutions and ideas and made me see what really holds me back. It was old patterns and fears. He helped me to feel how it was to stand in my own power. Standing there I realized how many possibilities I have, much more then I thought.”
(Conscious business)
“Very good! What is a coach contributing with? I can begin by saying that I get a very good feeling every time. It’s a long process and sometimes hard to see the process for me. Looking back I have changed my thinking and understanding of myself. I think in a deeper way and don’t care as much about what others think or do. I have evolved a lot more in my personal development. I don’t spend as much energy now on thinking of “the others” and a lot more energy focused on what is important for me. I accept myself more. It’s ok to make faults and fail. I am not the hard judging perfectionist anymore.
It’s very good with this coaching because I had time to think of my future perspective, what I want, what I can. I feel there is so many possibilities in life now. I am not as afraid of changes, I know it will sort it self out. What I learned is to put myself in structured environments with a clear direction. But within that structure that be my spontaneous self. I have realized that I have all the answers myself but need to find the right questions to get them out.
”Jonas have a unique ability quickly see the market with clarity and shape a strategy thereafter… …I have had much praise about our new communication, positives comments about our website and also about how our yachts and the whole project has been presented.”
(Brand strategy and marketing)
“I had several coaching sessions with Jonas Freeman and I found his work to be deeply meaningful and helpful to me. Jonas is able to effortlessly and lightly guide me from a state where my belief system was triggering fear & anxiety, back into my body and into the state of mindfulness. I keep working on dissolving fear by systematically re-experiencing old situations from this new, mindful perspective that Jonas introduced me to.
I highly recommend Jonas’ work to anyone who still experiences situations in life they find challenging, intimidating and draining of vital energy. In few sessions, Jonas will make you experience those situations in an entirely new light, stripped of the layer of fear that previously made them inaccessible, threatening and scary. I am deeply grateful for the work Jonas’ did with me.”
(Conscious Business, Brand strategy)
“When I decided to connect with Jonas I initially had the idea that he would support me with marketing strategies and how to attract clients etc. Our work together has supported a transformation in the way I see myself and how I can contribute to the world. My way of thinking and being has shifted dramatically. Connecting with my true longing and desire to share and be of service took me right into dealing with my self worth and my spiritual connection. When I’m not focused on outer results I allow life to unfold and I can choose to be a co-creator of my experience. This gives me a freedom to say yes to what ever excites me and this freedom is amazing and still a bit scary. This freedom invites me to step up and assume responsibility for my choices and actions. To taste real freedom is extremely attractive to me and I want more of that. I have created a life where I can say yes to this freedom and act from a space of trust. And this is a gift to treasure! So to create a joyful way of creating and working seems to require us to dive into our inner world and take a look at our beliefs and core attitudes so we can choose to shift them if needed.”
(Executive coaching, Conscious Business)
“Jonas has an ability to lift the communication as well as the human resources whom it shall represent. The event became a success and over 10% of the municipality inhabitants showed up at our inauguration event!
We had fun all the way to the event and now its manifested in the walls of our new municipality house which we now consider to be 2000m2 of service thanks to Jonas.”
(Executive Coaching, Conscious Business, Brand Strategy)
“Top of the chart! I had many good and interesting insights from the course. It gave me a glimpse into something essential and important and gave me greater understanding about the power of NOW. I take away many concrete things from the course and I also notice that I stop and become conscious much more often now after the course. Jonas is an pleasant course leader with great attitudes.
(Mindfulness course, Conscious business)
Jeanine Roberts CEO, Medialounge:
- Ledningen på Swedish Maritime AB, I vilken grad tror ni att varumärkeskoncept och kampanjer kommer postionera varumärket fördelaktigt på marknaden på en skala 1 till 10? 90%
- I vilken grad uppfattar ni att den individuella motivationsgraden och glädjenivån ökade jämfört med innan Jonas? 80%
- I vilken grad tycker ni att företagets verksamhet har blivit tydligare och mer fokuserat? 80%
- I vilken grad tycker anser ni att den individuella stolteheten över företagets verksamhet ökade. 80%
- I vilken grad tror ni att koncept och kampanj uppfyller alla de mål som sattes på en skala 1-10. 80%
Sam Aziz, Platschef Dahls Bakeshop
”Fantastik, djup, betydelsefull, effektfull, skön och behövlig kurs! Jonas är trygg, kompetent, vis med ett djup och en trovärdighet. Trots att jag gått liknande kurser tidigare har jag fått med mig mycket. Jag har fått en bekräftelse på att jag är på rätt väg, att jag är på rätt plats i mig själv. Jag har fått nya insikter om mig själv samt verktyg vad gäller avslappning och ökade medvetenhet.”
(Mindfulness course, Conscious business)
“Ämnen som berördes är de mest grundläggande och fundamentala i oss människors lilla stora ständigt pågående liv tycker jag. Balans mellan upplevelsebaserat och lite teori. Upplägget och utförandet i hop med den magiska tillit som infann sig uppskattade jag särskilt mycket och jag tänker att du Jonas satte det klimatet. Du satte det rummet så att vi påverkades på ett positivt sätt. Och det är en konst… … Jag fann det ju som du vet otroligt befriande, som om alla krav rann av, som om jag var oförstörbar, som om jag var helt ett med mig. Otroligt vacker och skön känsla.”
(Mindfulness course)
“Det har varit extremt givande! Eftersom det har funnits utrymme att ta upp personliga situationer i mitt liv och använda det här förhållningssättet på så har jag upplevt konkreta förbättringar i mitt liv. Att få “känna sin känsla” med hjälp av mindfulness var riktigt bra och det jag tidigare upplevt lite ångest inför har jag efter workshopen inte känt någon ångest alls inför. Det har också gett mig ett nytt sätt att hantera tankar på som är väldigt givande och ett praktiskt verktyg jag använder mig av i vardagslivet.”
(Mindfulness course)
“Jag hade en jättehärlig upplevelse tillsammans med er i en öppen, lugn och tillåtande miljö. Önskar att jag inte hade rest så mycket i jobbet och kunde varit med fler gånger. Jonas, du är en inspiration med den förståelse och värme du utstrålar. Keep up the good work!”
(Mindfulness course)
“Den här kursen var nyttig för mig! Jag hade många pusselbitar med mig sedan tidigare och här fick de tillfället att falla på plats. Jag är tacksam för att jag gick kursen och fick möjlighet att ta tag i mig själv och mitt liv innan jag gick in i den berömda väggen. Kursens upplägg var bra och möjliggjorde också att jag fick chansen att lära mig av andras erfarenheter. Kursen började med ett retreat, vilket var bra. Det vart en bra och nödvändig start och som en plattform för resterande träffar. Det var också bra att vi fick prova på många olika saker, en lösning passar inte alla! Jag kan sedan välja de sätt som känns bekväma och som passar mig. Jonas är mycket bra på att låta deltagarna önska, fråga och påverka innehållet efter våra egna behov, önskemål. Tidigare tog jag mycket konsekvenser för andras dåliga beslut och omdömme, det har jag slutat med. En annan sak som är mycket intressant är det här med förväntningar, speciellt dom man har på andra. Dom kan jag ibland släppa helt och det skapar mindre lidande hos mig själv. Och tack Jonas, för projektet, som väckte en bortglömd och slumrande sida hos mig!”
(Mindfulness course)
“Vad fick jag ut av kursen…? Idag vaknade jag med migrän och min son skulle på fotbollscup kl. 6 på morgonen. Hamnade genast i prestations-träsket. Insåg efter ett tag att det verkligen inte var detta vi fått lära oss på kursen, så jag började gå igenom vad vi pratat om. Att acceptera det som händer (jag fick migrän), ha tålamod att ta den tid som behövs, känna tillit till att allt löser sig, vara nyfiken på det som kommer, inte döma vare sig mig själv eller andra, släppa taget om det jag inte kan förändra (inte älta) och inte känna att jag måste prestera (icke strävan), jag är bra som jag är. Jag lever inte alltid i enlighet med dessa förhållningssätt, tvärtom glömmer jag ganska ofta. Däremot har kursen gjort mig medveten om dem och som i detta fall, fick det mig att stanna upp och tänka till. Och så gör jag ganska ofta numer – dagligen!”
(Mindfulness course)
”Underbart, tack! Jag har blivit mer medveten om hur tankar och känslor drar iväg mot onödig rädsla/oro och hur de kan förändras till ett positivare liv.
Jonas upplever jag som rak, modig, mjuk och tuff. Bra på disciplin och att sätta gränser. Efter kursen har jag med mig andningen och avslappningen. Påminner mig ofta om andningen och blir medveten om mina tankar.” Maj-Britt Andreasson, livscoach och samtalstereapeut
(Mindfulness course, Conscious business)
”Mycket bra kurs. En skön stund att slappna av på. Jag är förvånad själv att det gick så snabbt att gå ner i varv. Kursen har fått mig att tydligt se de tankar som oftast stressar mig i min vardag, och givit insikt i att jag har ett visst tempo i kroppen som jag vill ha kvar men mer balanserat. Efter kursen är det helt ok att stanna upp och bli medveten om de gamla beteenden som kan gå överstyr. Världen går inte under bara för att jag stannar upp! Jonas är bra, balanserad och kunnig i ämnet. Han är bra på att lyssna men också på att bryta.”
(Mindfulness course, Conscious business)
“Kursen var bättre än andra mindfulnesskurser jag gått. Här fick jag chansen att plocka russinen ur en stor kaka och finna min egen mindfulness. Jag känner mig mer balanserad och nöjd nu efter kursen. En viktig insikt var den att det är jag som är utrymmet för tankarna, inte själva tankarna. Givande kurs med varierat upplägg. Blandningen mellan övningar, samtal och teori var bra. Jag ökade min medvetenhet, närvaro och förmåga att slappna av som en följd av kursen samt har lärt känna mig själv bättre.”
(Mindfulness course)