by jonas | Oct 29, 2015 | Inspiration
Artwork: Ethel Fiona Kings, Text: Jonas Faremo
What cannot be described in words? Do you have the dicipline not to answer this question with words? Do you have the peace withing to just know the answer, or if not knowing, live in this question un answered?
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The questions came out of meditation and is combined with the artists artwork of devotion to life in consciousness. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Ethel Fiona Kings is an artist telling stories with her artwork. She is originally from Estonian like a part of me but is now based on Bali. Ethel will soon do an exhibition fo her art. …If we are lycky… F0llow her on facebook here and buy her art before someone else does it. Together we have created this digital serie of Work & Image labeled “What cannot be described in words.” Follow this project on Facebook:

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by jonas | Sep 9, 2015 | Inspiration
Artwork: Meriel Benjamins, Text: Jonas Faremo
Are you good enough to be here and now? A yes or no-question that either reveals or reliefs. Take three deep breaths and find stillness within. What answer comes from the heart without thinking?
A “yes” relief you from “shoulds” and “musts” that mind automatically had subscribed to. Wisdom is found.
A “no” reveals that you subconsciously put up conditions for you to be good enough as you are. With the help of some further curious fearless inquiry you can reveal also which specific conditions. This inquiry creates wisdom.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The questions came out of meditation and is combined with the artists artwork of devotion to life. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Meriel Benjamins is an yogi artist and art-critique from the Netherlands. The artwork is a fingerpaint made on iPad.

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by jonas | Aug 15, 2015 | Inspiration
Artwork: Åsa (Asha Amrita) Andersson, Text: Jonas Faremo
Trust in what you dont know. You don’t know how you operate your heart or digestion, but it works. You don’t know where your next great idea will come from, but it will come.
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The questions came out of meditation and is combined with the artist Amrita´s artwork of devotion to life. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
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by jonas | May 7, 2015 | Inspiration
Artwork: Meriel Benjamins, Text: Jonas Faremo
If there was something like the “Big Bang” – you are a part of it.
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The questions came out of meditation and is combined with the artist Meriel Benjamins artwork of devotion to life. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
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by jonas | Mar 15, 2015 | Inspiration
Image: Jonas Faremo (Onsala, Sweden), Text: Jonas Faremo
Trying too hard creates resistance.
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with an image. My hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Contact Click here to stay in contact and receive a free “Slidecoach”.
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by jonas | Jan 15, 2015 | Inspiration
Image: Jonas Faremo (Gothenburg, Sweden by night), Text: Jonas Faremo
All is meant for you now. Why else would you experience it?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with an image. My hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Contact Click here to stay in contact and receive a free “Slidecoach”.
Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.