Model: Jonas Faremo & Mimi Khimich Photo: Laura Khimich Text: Jonas Faremo
Where does it live? Get to the root cause of dissatisfaction is only possible if you find where it exists. If it lives within you – that is also where the cause is found. Now, this doesn´t mean that you cant change things. But if we only change environment when we feel dissatisfaction, that is the pattern we will strengthen. Something will always need to change in order for us to feel satisfied. That means that we give all our power to outer circumstances. We become victims to what other people do. Thats just not a smart strategy in the long run.
I used to live mostly like a reaction to outer circumstances. The will to find truth and to end my dissatisfaction and other modes of suffering led me to make constant self awareness the most important thing in life. With that came in-sights. Important in-sights that made me more and more free of the whims of the outer environment. Hence less and less a victim to other people and the events of universe. This regardless of if I was managing a project, trying to love my dissatisfied lover or dealing with a tax audit. Thats why I kept self awareness as the most important thing in life. It gradually makes life more of what I want it to be and me a more powerful force of what I want me to be. …Whoever this “I” am.
Artist: Mimi and Laura are the kids of a good friend of mine and are truly artists. Not just spontanious life artists but also trained in various crafts of art.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
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