Change the world!
Photo: Yulia Berezovskaya Text: Jonas Freeman
Change the world!
People have been trying to change the world in order to become happy for decades without realizing that if you become happy now,
you just changed the entire world.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is sometimes combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Follow this art-project on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JonasFaremoConsciousnessCreativity/
Folliow this art-project on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freemanmindfulnesscoach/
Meditationskurs på webben (svenska): https://app.coursio.com/store/meditationsguiden/meditation-grundkurs-fran-himalaya
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