Create or re-evaluate your Conscious Business, combining Mindfulness Coaching with Astrology on this four-day Camp.

Whether you already own a business that you’d like to transform into Conscious Business, or you’d like to start a brand new Conscious Business – this co-created camp is for you. You are either the brand yourself or the owner/leader of a brand.

Package your Conscious Business or take a new direction with your current business creating results you actually want. We combine the Mindfulness coaching process with the ancient teachings and methods of Astrology, to allow your business to thrive effortlessly, in the direction you long for, supported by the energies of Planets and the Universe. This camp enables you to be a lighthouse for others in creating and running a conscious business.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious to more and more people that the rules of conventional business environment create suffering and unsustainable results, both on personal and collective levels. Starting a more meaningful and sustainable business out of passion is an entirely different proposition, which, when done consciously, can be a gift to everyone involved and to entire humanity. What are the hidden traps? Why does running a business often feel like struggle and ends up creating inner results like stress and pressure, and outer results we didn’t intended when starting? Together, we will find answers to those and many other questions.

Astrology offers a unique perspective on personal archetypes and trends of planetary energies – great entry point for reflection and creating clarity for you as a leader. Coaching perspective empowers you to find the relevant insights and solutions for YOU, not the “right” solution according to the “business expert”.

It’s in the reason for why we communicate or do something we find the greatest leverage for results. In the “inner why” is where the power of manifestation lies and what the law of attraction reacts to. With the help of the astrological perspective plus coaching exercises and meditations we linger in the subject of the inner “why” to create clarity. This clarity is needed to BE the change you wish to see while DOING whatever needs to be done.

What will you have after this camp?
– You will have an outline of a brand strategy for your conscious business.
– You will have suggestions on how to communicate your brand to create the results you want.
– You will know how to most efficiently use your potential and base a business on it.
– You will find the most effortless way to turn your existing business to create the results you long for, conscious and sustainable.
– You will have aligned you and your business with your highest potential and inner purpose.
– You read this far? Well then have you thought also about how to un-reach your lowest potential? If not, lets do that too.

The Camp is hosted by the seasoned Astrologer Vitorio de Janeiro and the experienced conscious business coach Jonas Faremo.

Vitorio De Janeiro is an Astrologer, who travels the world in exploration of Astrology, Shamanism and Music. In his “previous life” Vitorio was an enterpreneur who ran businesses between United States, Brazil and Europe. Having an extensive experience in Real Estate development business, both in US and in Brazil, Vitorio understands how easy it is to end up creating results that may be successful according to western business standards, but are less than fulfilling personally. He has found that wider perspective and more intuitive guidance can create peacefulness and effortlessness in action, on both personal and business fronts.

Mindfulness coach Jonas Faremo is an experienced brand strategist and business owner who now supports humans to develop Conscious Businesses. He combines the eastern perspective of performance to western circumstances of business. Besides his experience in building businesses and brands he holds mindfulness courses in Stockholm, Digital nomads retreats in Thailand and educates coaches and leaders in how to create empowering meetings and co-creating spaces. He has a way of making things simple and effortless and helps people to act without doing; work without effort and avoid creating suffering while doing business.

– This Camp is not a traditional course. We’ll be using sharing circle and coaching models as ways to promote wisdom and knowledge, enabling creativity to flourish.

– Knowing that the participant group will contain a large amount of experience and knowledge, this Camp is an empowering co-creating space where insight can come from anyone in the group, not just the Camp leaders.

– We look at you as a person doing business and not so much at the business itself. It all starts with you, the leader. If there are obstacles in the leader it will translate into the business lead.

– We cultivate seeing your cosmic soul as The Lighthouse. We cultivate and support being who you are, doing what is naturally easy for you, while creating a value for yourself and others. and in that way making money effortlessly. We will look into what obstructs your light from shining when doing business.

– We will be as constructive and practical as your individual process allows packaging your new direction of Conscious Business. You are offered the support and space to create a brand new brand strategy and take on a new clear direction supporting your souls journey. It doesn’t have to be a separation between the spiritual journey and your business.

Outline of a Schedule:

Day 1
– Introduction to Astrology, Conscious Business and Camp purpose and means.
– Group inventory of needs and intentions.
– Lunch
– Overview of Astrology Chart reading.
– Personal Astrology Charts.

Day 2
– Diving deeper into individual Astrology Charts
– Lunch
– Finding and clarifying the “inner why” with the help of your individual Astrology Chart and Six Perspectives.
– Workshops.

Day 3
Surprise day 🙂

Day 4
Conscious Business transformation day. This is a day where we go creative and allow the clarity of our direction manifest in our business.
– Conscious Business transformation, part 1
– Lunch
– Conscious Business transformation, part 2

Camp follow-up: Conscious Business Support groups
This is the continuation of the Camp. It’s two hour support group meetings for all of us who wants to manifest a more Conscious Business. They can be on location or digital. How often and where is still to be decided. Details are still under construction and you will be on of the people designing this. This is where we find nurture and support from fellow humans in keeping to our integrity. This is where we find answers to problems we not yet found. This is where we give unconditionally our presence, knowledge, experience and creativity to the others.

Apply and get more information by sending an email to

After completing this camp a few weeks ago I have already experienced profound shifts in how i view business, money, conscious co-creation and MYSELF in relation to all of it.
Having this beautiful combination of astrology and conscious business coaching I feel well equipped to enter back into the “business world” when the time presents.
I better understand what my natural gifts can provide and feel hopeful about applying this wisdom to my conscious projects. To allow the journey to be effortless and in perfect alignment with my energetic, emotional and financial needs.
I have gained insights into my “true calling” and feel the support of our motivational group, and of course our two loving, gracious, encouraging and focused coaches, Jonas Faremo and Vitorio De Janeiro.
I have already recommended this camp to many of my friends and will continue to do so..
Much love to all.

Belinda Wehner

Owner, CEO


If you’re ready to tune into your naturally given ingredients. Ready to enhance flavours into a tastiest more flowing life. Victor and Jonas create a beautiful atmosphere for inner realisation and hold space for a conductive and nurturing group dynamic.

I smiled, I cried, I had fun, I learned, I released, I grew. Many aha moments! There is something about seeing things on a chart, on paper…

Good tools and having the right questions asked boosted my empowered feeling. It gave me an inspiring direction for my next steps. I was touched and enjoyed witnessing others going through the experience… each in our own way. Gratitude for all things shared.

The conscious business coaching and astrology are a great combo.
I felt supported, safe to be seen, accepted for who I am and loved for it…

And now? I feel “on track”.

PS: also the food was yummy =)

Eve Kundycki

Architect with own bureau