An inner yoga workshop by Jonas Freeman.
I noticed that when I did yoga it created the complete opposite results within me compared to when I was working. The more experienced I became at “work” the more stress and pressure I experienced. Finally, I burned out. This is the paradox of success of modern paradigm of working; at the top of the career letter is a burnout, poor health and a divorce. But the more experienced I got in yoga – the more effortless it became. In yoga exists the keys to unlock the alchemy of effortlessness.
I have met thousands of people that went through the same experience. Stress grows like and epidemic in the modern society and when I started to give talks about stress 40 million people had burned out in just a few decades and costed billions in sick-leaves. Stress lowers the immune system, makes us fall into old unsustainable habits and limits the ability to see possibilities. Since stress has become an everyday staple for humanity – stress also makes out the biggest potential for humanity. If work becomes more and more effortless the better you get at it – there is no limit to human creativity!
Today I know by experience that work can be more and more effortless the more you do it. This is most likely the opposite of what you experience. Join me and learn how to Turn Work Into Yoga. Become a lighthouse for the rest of humanity by not creating stress and pressure while doing stuff and experience the lift in life quality and also quality of the work you do!
Are you a great organizer of workshops and want one in your town?
This is a 3 hours “yorkshop” where we will turn work into yoga. Why on earth do we do, think and act differently in the yoga shala compared to the office? We will shift our way of working into something that is effortless and meaningful.
– Educate yourself into being the lighthouse for others, spreading the light of harmony, joy and efficiency in any organization.
– Learn the most important thing for work to become effortless
– Know the method of how to unsubscribe to stress
– Find the truth behind stress
– Understand human history and your mind´s conditioning
– Revolutionize your perspective on energy and manifestation
– Know how to create flow
– Create your own tool belt for success
– Experience heavenly sex beyond expectations
For whom?
If you have a space or the desire to organise this workshop want to contribute even more to a human evolution leading towards freedom, harmony and happiness.
Jonas Freeman?
Jonas Freeman is a Mindfulnesscoach who lives in Bali and coaches people all over the world in Conscious business and Conscious living. He hosts Conscious business startup camps and holds mindfulness courses. He is a brand strategist investor and coach who support conscious leaders.