Slidecoach – Gratitude

Slidecoach yourself towards more gratitude. A self coaching slide show who gives opportunity to do an inventory of, and increase your gratitude in life.

Taking things for granted creates a state of “lack” and is a great soil for unhappiness and stress. Feeling gratitude on the other hand creates a state of abundance and is a great fertilizer for all good things like happiness, satisfaction, peace, trust and creativity. Gratitude is something we can feed and hence allow all good things to grow in our life.

This Slidecoach gives the opportunity to do an inventory and to find more gratitude in life no matter who you are, where you are or where you are going.


– Sit comfortably at a place without distraction.

– Reserve the next 15 minutes for this self coaching session (6 questions).

– With pen and paper, write down the answers to the question. Then click to the next question (right arrow >)

Question 1

  1. How many percentage of your time per day do you feel grateful in general?

Question 2

How many percentage of your time per day do you feel ungrateful or taking too much for granted in general?

Question 3

When was the last time you felt really grateful?

Question 4

How did that gratitude feel in your body?

Question 5

What are you grateful for right now?

Question 6

How can you be more grateful?


Tell at least three persons today what you feel grateful for.

Thank you!

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