by jonas | Dec 30, 2015 | Inspiration
Artwork: Ethel Fiona Kings, Text: Jonas Faremo
What cannot be described in words? Do you have the dicipline not to answer this question with words? Do you have the inner peace of waiting until you know the answer, or if not knowing, live in this question un-answered?
Our mind creates symbols to interpret and control reality. Words, images and movies categorized into good and bad to create order. But reality happens beyond our minds symbols and categorizations. Reality is not controlled, it is the infinite amount of possible events manifesting into one event in this moment. The only moment. The point of no return.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The questions came out of meditation and is combined with the artists artwork of devotion to life in consciousness. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Ethel Fiona Kings is an artist telling stories with her artwork. She is originally from Estonian like a part of me but is now based on Bali. Ethel will soon do an exhibition fo her art. …If we are lycky… F0llow her on facebook here and buy her art before someone else does it. Together we have created this digital serie of Work & Image labeled “What cannot be described in words.” Follow this project on Facebook:

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NEW! – check out Conscious Business through Astrology Camp.
by jonas | Dec 30, 2015 | Okategoriserade
People only drink too much when they are drunk.
There was a time when I drank a lot of alcohol. It was a way of life and a great escape from the rat race. Of course I experienced some negative consequences of this drinking and they where especially prominent if I “drank to much”.
I noticed many things looking back at that period of time. One was that I only drank too much when I was drunk. So if that logic applies, if I didn’t want to drink too much, all I had to do was not to get drunk. Not having the first drink and there was no chance at all I would drink too much! Wow! That made it easier and I saw a lifetime of not experiencing this “too much-consequence” ever again in my life.
What has this to do with mindfulness? What has mindfulness to do with business? It has everything to do with both because all big things start small.
All big things start small.
The things Buddhism call suffering and what some new age philosophies call low vibration states, all starts small. Suffering like uncomfortable feelings, feeling of un-satisfaction, irritation, frustration, stress, fear, anxiety, anger, rage, jealousy, depression etc, they all starts small. A small seed is planted when a thought arise by an interaction with a circumstance. It then starts to sprout; association from other previous bad and threatening experiences kick in. It grows big and branches out; inner suffering fuels a reaction of projections of badness onto the outer world – we have arrived in hell. Hell is a place where we believe our thoughts. Reality still is what it is regardless of our thoughts. Its neither hell nor paradise, just what it is in this moment. And this inner hell is what we leak into whatever we do.
Mindfulness means being present and aware of the life experience with a neutral mind. That experience you call “you” is where life happens and it happens now.
All our actions like for example how you do a business or being a friend or loving a lover, are a reflection of our inner states. All of our relations are a mirror if what is going on inside the domain we call “me”. We leak our inner state into everything we do because that’s the source where thoughts and action comes from. Thats the color you dip your pencil in. If you want to paint yellow you will not succeed no matter how hard you try if you dip your pencil in black.
Where change starts
If we think the business world or humanity in general is heading in the wrong direction we need to become mindful of ourselves. Inside “you” are where “humanity” or “business” is happening and that is the only humanity or business you can change. To start changing the behaviour of others does not work. You can ask any teacher that tried stop a kid from bullying by scolding the bully and explaining how bad he/she is and how he/she not shall do that. It doesn’t work. Instead the bully gets followers because the strategy to get attention and be acknowledged worked. He/she becomes real.
Or look at humanity as a whole. We are not dumb. We have tried to promote peace, justice, sustainability and equality for many sun circles. Did it work? No, it got worse. And yet it’s so simple. You want the war to end? – Well, just stop it! Easy. Stop it. But we don’t do that. Because we are a reaction to our inner and on the inside there is a war happening, that’s where the non-sustainability lives. The quality of our inside decides whether or not our action to prevent bullying turns effective or not.
See the small seed with a neutral light is enough
If we are mindful we will see the small seeds and by that mere seeing we become free. Free to water it or let it dry out by itself. We are the one giving fuel to the inner war by reacting to it. We react by opposing or desire something and then take action because of that reaction. All of a sudden it’s real, it has a function and will start to grow. A thought is an illusion, but if you believe its reality – its reality. The opposing or desire attention is believing that its real. Why else would you consider if it’s good or bad?
Why does opposing a seed make it grow? Should opposing it not kill it? No, because it’s not an actual seed, a thought is an illusion. It arises and disappears and there is no “thinker” behind it. Thoughts come and go. The only reason we mistakenly take this as a “person” or as a “thinker” is because of the memory function. Imagine yourself without any memory. Thoughts would be perceived like a fun phenomenon. An event, just like everything else. Birds come and go. Clouds come and go. Trees come and go. Mountains come and go. Planets and stars come and go. And thoughts come and go. Sometimes they are beneficial to us sometimes not. We would use them as a tool or lay them to rest when not needed.
We don’t identify with the clouds and think we are they just because we like them or dislike them. But with thoughts we are trained to do exactly that. That’s the ignorance of our culture, that the source of all disease or “dis-ease”. That’s why small things turn big even if we don’t want it.
How illusions become reality
A thought concept like jealousy or anger consists if many thoughts, emotions and associations stored in the memory. These concepts is fuelled by energy. And your attention is energy. But not any kind of attention, a certain kind of attention – a sticky and evaluating attention. This kind of not neutral attention provides the thought concept with energy and makes it real. Whether it is the energy of opposing or the energy of desire makes no difference for the thought concept – it becomes real. It is no longer an illusion. We have identified with it and made it reality.
When you see a thought with equanimity it doesn’t provide the thought with energy. Equanimity isn’t sticky. It is clear vision and sees what is. It is like light. Light don’t cling on to things. After you turn off the light it doesn’t stay on the object. It sees a thought, it knows it is an illusion coming and soon going. Only I can choose to make it real or not by liking it or disliking it.
If presence and awareness is what makes you see the small seed before it grows, equanimity is the quality of that seeing that makes you see reality and not the illusion. It prevents from fueling the thought concepts and sooner or later they will loose power and wither away.
Meditation is the gym for training the mind to be clear, to be equanimity. Meditation is where we condition our mind to be less sticky and more like light of wisdom. Meditation is where we condition the mind into experiencing more of reality and less of our thoughts of reality. It takes us out of the tight bubble of illusions into the unlimited magic of reality: Life in universe. Wow! Experience a fraction of that magic and there will be no need to compete, win, demean or concur. The game of one-upmanship on universe, nature and other humans becomes automatically unimportant and meaningless. It’s clear it’s a game of one-upmanship on yourself since you are not separate from universe – you are universe. You are nature. You are the other.
It so happens that meditation is the process of enlightenment or self-realisation not just self improvement or end of wars and poverty. It is the paradoxical process of diss-identifying with what you are not until experiencing what you are – everything. An experience impossible to be described or created. It is what it is.
So if we as humans, either collective or personal want to have different consequences in our life, we need to not get drunk with our thoughts. That’s when we drink too much. We need to be mindful of the small things inside. This is how we can live a more conscious life and manifest more deliberately what we wish to see in the world. This is how we can create transformation on the personal side and revolution on the collective just by using our presence and awareness in a quality of equanimity.
NEW on Conscious Business Camp through Astrology.
by jonas | Oct 29, 2015 | Inspiration
Artwork: Ethel Fiona Kings, Text: Jonas Faremo
What cannot be described in words? Do you have the dicipline not to answer this question with words? Do you have the peace withing to just know the answer, or if not knowing, live in this question un answered?
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The questions came out of meditation and is combined with the artists artwork of devotion to life in consciousness. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Ethel Fiona Kings is an artist telling stories with her artwork. She is originally from Estonian like a part of me but is now based on Bali. Ethel will soon do an exhibition fo her art. …If we are lycky… F0llow her on facebook here and buy her art before someone else does it. Together we have created this digital serie of Work & Image labeled “What cannot be described in words.” Follow this project on Facebook:

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by jonas | Sep 9, 2015 | Inspiration
Artwork: Meriel Benjamins, Text: Jonas Faremo
Are you good enough to be here and now? A yes or no-question that either reveals or reliefs. Take three deep breaths and find stillness within. What answer comes from the heart without thinking?
A “yes” relief you from “shoulds” and “musts” that mind automatically had subscribed to. Wisdom is found.
A “no” reveals that you subconsciously put up conditions for you to be good enough as you are. With the help of some further curious fearless inquiry you can reveal also which specific conditions. This inquiry creates wisdom.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The questions came out of meditation and is combined with the artists artwork of devotion to life. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Meriel Benjamins is an yogi artist and art-critique from the Netherlands. The artwork is a fingerpaint made on iPad.

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Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Aug 15, 2015 | Inspiration
Artwork: Åsa (Asha Amrita) Andersson, Text: Jonas Faremo
Trust in what you dont know. You don’t know how you operate your heart or digestion, but it works. You don’t know where your next great idea will come from, but it will come.
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The questions came out of meditation and is combined with the artist Amrita´s artwork of devotion to life. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Contact Click here to stay in contact and receive a free “Slidecoach”.
Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Aug 12, 2015 | Okategoriserade
At a workshop regarding Conscious business in Bali yesterday we inquired about if there are any problems with the traditional business-world of today. We summarized that the core of the problems is that business is done mostly from the head and not from the heart. The head is conditioned with truths regarding humanity that is neither true nor beneficial for us. They are not even true according to the business science itself. This finding has even been awarded a Nobel Prize in Economy.
Still these images of man as a greedy profit-maximizing creature (economic man) are the foundation of the business world and the market economy system as a whole. The systems are painted in that colour, a rather grey tone I would say. No wonder we find it producing meaningless results sometimes. We have reached un-sustainability on the private as well as the collective level with stress and exhaustion of natural recourses as our most prominent features. And what to do? Even if we know this we seem to get drawn into painting with these colours when starting a business even if we started from a place of passion and consciousness. That was the question arising in the beginning of the workshop.
“Conscious business meaning not blindly following the business logics but inquire deeply into our own truths and motives.”
At workshops as well as in my coaching we don’t try to solve the world of business or change any systems. Instead we support the idea of being the change that we want to see in the world. If you don’t want to experience that you create meaningless results, Conscious Business is the option. Conscious Business is not a method or model, it simply means not blindly following the conventional logics but instead inquire deeply into our own truths and motives to find your business model. If Conscious Business is turned into a model, consciousness is gone, its instead again you following someone else’s ideas. A Conscious Business needs to be a process of constant inquiry inwards to find the truth, motivation and insights. You, the leader needs to find it where it matters – inside you. That is how it becomes a conscious doing of business. And when we have peace and clarity enough to find our inner “Why” and find what we long to contribute to the world, we need support from each other in being genuine to this inner “Why”. Most people I spoken to loses the genuinity in the manifestation of the idea into the environment of traditional business.
We need support from others that also choose a conscious path since we are all connected and have the ten dance to become the expectations of our environment. I have tried and failed. I ended up doing a “smart” business from the head, although I began from a different “Why”. As the people in the workshop yesterday said; working within the traditional business context you end up doing traditional business after a while even if you started with another intention.
I have made it my job to be this support for conscious businesses. As a Mindfulness Coach and experienced Brand Strategist I have a good position of doing that. If there is a need for support I will provide it and sometimes I get paid, and sometimes not, depending on the financial circumstances. Both way I make the world a little more “love” and a little less “greed”.
“You will paint the change you wish to see in the world.”
The last years I have found myself inquiring more into the science of Buddhism. In Buddhism, it is said that love and compassion are made out of one substance, which is called understanding. If you understand, you can love. But if understanding is not there, it is impossible for you to accept and love someone. During a coaching process without specific expectations, a person is provided the opportunity and perfect conditions to create understanding weather in a private session or a in a group setting.
If you understand yourself you can love yourself and if you love yourself you can love others. No need for competition or greediness if you love yourself and others. The state of lack which is when you think you need to have more or win over others is not present. With understanding for yourself and others you are in a state of abundance and trust. Universe feels like a safe friendly place and every thought you think and action you take will carry the colour of that inner feeling. You will paint the change you wish to see in the world. That will be a rather colorful image I think.
Please join a workshop if you also want to be a support for conscious business. Sign up for newsletter here to find out about next workshop or send an email to request a workshop.
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Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Jul 13, 2015 | Okategoriserade
“- I loved your FB post about not forgetting to tell people how wonderful they are! I couldn’t agree more with it. Yet, I’m totally not used to saying these things. For some reason, maybe cultural conditioning, it feels hard to say these things. I wonder if you could help me with managing how to say those things… I know it feels wonderful to hear it myself.” /Victor 44.
Sure I would love to help you with that brother! This is not a big problem for you I would say. If you already are aware enough to ask that kind of question I can see that you already are and feel that gratitude and love towards others that you maybe don’t express. If you want to add some words to what you already feel – great. If not, you still share your appreciation for others in other ways that you maybe not are aware of, because you feel it. There is however a natural law that says that what you give is what you get. So if you want to receive more love and generosity, it is important to do this change.
I would say there is three things you can try in order to allow those old patterns of not complementing or giving kind words to dissolve. The three things to coach yourself softly is:
1. Awareness. To look fearlessly at some emotional or behavioural pattern can sometimes be enough. To understand something is usually a great first step to create acceptance and patience. This is meditation. What are your patterns of behaviour and emotion when it comes to giving compliments and kind words? See where it comes from. Why don’t your culture or father/mother express love and appreciation with words? What was the fear that made them not express the love they felt?
2. Receive gracefully. A usually forgotten part of giving is receiving. They are intimately connected and when you can’t receive love gracefully, that is usually a clue that you cant give. There are many levels of how you actually can receive something. To become more aware about it try this; Whenever someone says something nice to you, say “thank you” and then take a deep breath and be silent. During this breath, turn on the light inside and listen/feel what immediate effects those words have in you. Become aware of any pattern of reaction as for example to just say the same back; “I love you too”, or diminish it; “Ah that’s nothing I just did my job” or how you in any other creative way divert the compliment instead of fully receive it.
3. Just do it + mindfulness. Just do it + Mindfulness. When you feel you appreciate someone very much – say it and then be silent and listen inside and outside what happens.
* When you feel it would be a bit uncomfortable to say a compliment, do it anyway, and just observe how it feels. Say nothing more just listen inside and outside. (…yes I know that this will feel a bit forced in the beginning and maybe not always as a genuine compliment, but that too is just an object for your awareness to be noticed. To discover what is genuine and what is not is a great knowledge to gain.)
* When you feel someone else is irritating you or is not to your benefit – look for the golden nugget in that pile of sand and compliment that golden nugget genuinely and then stop and listen, inside outside.
“just do it” is to create a new conditioning and at the same time acknowledging and create awareness of the emotions that might arise of the old patterns when doing the contrary. Its “fake it till you make it” but with the element of meditation which makes it an organic transformation and not a forced change.
If you cannot stay long holding space for that emotion arising when saying the compliment, just go back later to that moment in the mind until you feel that emotion in your body again and hold space for that until it feels heard/seen. No comment or evaluation, just accommodate the emotion triggered by the situation and your action. This includes both “good” emotions and “bad” emotions connected to giving/receiving compliments.
* Be unconditional, unconditional and unconditional. Important is to “just do it” without any expectations of result (ex the other should be happy, say something back, be nice, change to a better person, treat you or others better, I should feel better… ) Just say it because it can be said and will bring some love into the world.
Are you willing to fail giving good genuine compliments brother? Well then there is nothing stopping you.
Thanks for asking. Your curiosity on life and confidence in my ability to provide help makes me grow.
by jonas | May 7, 2015 | Inspiration
Artwork: Meriel Benjamins, Text: Jonas Faremo
If there was something like the “Big Bang” – you are a part of it.
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The questions came out of meditation and is combined with the artist Meriel Benjamins artwork of devotion to life. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Contact Click here to stay in contact and receive a free “Slidecoach”.
Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Mar 15, 2015 | Inspiration
Image: Jonas Faremo (Onsala, Sweden), Text: Jonas Faremo
Trying too hard creates resistance.
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with an image. My hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Contact Click here to stay in contact and receive a free “Slidecoach”.
Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Jan 15, 2015 | Inspiration
Image: Jonas Faremo (Gothenburg, Sweden by night), Text: Jonas Faremo
All is meant for you now. Why else would you experience it?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with an image. My hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Contact Click here to stay in contact and receive a free “Slidecoach”.
Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.