by jonas | Aug 16, 2016 | Inspiration, Okategoriserade
Photo: Stina Faremo Text: Jonas Faremo
Give love gives love.
– Do you think love and happiness comes and goes together?
– Then what you call love is only an expectation of pleasure.
– If you feel love even if someone brings you pain?
– Then what you call love is love.
The mind tends to forget that what gives love is giving love. Instead it wants to GET love. When we feel that we want to get love – thats usually our que to GIVE!
A love exercise
I might as always be wrong but here is a practical love- and kindness exercise for you test this for yourself. Do you see the “chat-list” where all the people online is listed on your Facebook? Go through them all, yes everyone, and sincerely say; “Peace and happiness to you dear; (name), I love you”. If you don’t sit with a silly smile on you lips and radiating love at the end of the list, please let me know and I will admit it was a meaningless thing to do and personally apologize to you and whish you peace and happiness… I love you.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is an artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: This time it was my sister who cought me in a moment of joy in the storm by a lake. I hope she keeps nurturing her artist talents.
Whats up next?
– If you are Swedish there is a free webinar on sunday 21st at 10.00. Topic; Intro to “Turn Work into Yoga”. Check it out and apply on FB here. Limitied amount of space.
– If you are Swedish and around Stockholm area, there will be a half day workshop at Tullinge Yogacenter; “Turn Work into Yoga”. Check it out and apply here. Limitied amount of space.
– If you are Swedish and want some support in getting on with your own meditation practice you can sign up on this E-course. Now 20% summer discount.
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About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Aug 6, 2016 | Inspiration, Okategoriserade
Photo: Vitorio de Janeiro Photo editing: Jonas Faremo Text: Jonas Faremo
Need to defend = need for love!
Here is a perspective for you.
Maybe not true,
but a point of view;
When we don’t accept ourselves the need to defend can arise when someone else have another opinion then ours. If we are in love (acceptance) with all aspects of ourselves, and are ok with the uncomfortable feelings – the need to defend don’t arise. Instead we automatically see that It’s just another opinion; everyone have their own.
Now to clarify this perspective; the feeling of “need do defend” is not the same as defending. If a flock of hyenas attacks a lion, the lion doesn’t get offended and have the feeling; “I need to defend myself”. It just defends itself with all its powers. It’s the same with humans. If we find ourselves in a swarm of bees we instinctively start to wave our arms to defend ourselves. We don’t get offended and feel that they are wrong and I am right. (Maybe afterwards we can create that feeling when we have time to think. When we think, we can be offended by absolutely everything, like a bus getting late etc…)
Why I love going deep below the surface of consciousness into the unconscious with myself and my clients is because here lays the things we think we need to defend. These are the things that run the show and create mayham without we knowing it. These are the things that makes us feel offended, afraid, irritated or angry on reality. These are the things that turn us from a loving generous fellow human being into a (passively) aggressive asshole/bitch. If we can see these mental and emotional patterns, traumas and believes for what they are we are free! That’s what the light of awareness can do. It’s beautiful to see someone becoming free – every time it feels like the room gets lighter. We don’t need defensiveness if we are ok with our shadow sides. And boy do we save a lot of energy when we don’t get offended and have the need to defend our point of view!!!
“As you drop the burden of defensiveness and resentment, you become light-hearted, joyous and free. In this joyful simple freedom, you will know that what you want is available to you whenever you want it, because your want is coming from a state of happiness, not from a state of anxiety and fear” – Deepak Chopra, the seven spiritual laws of success.
Imagine politicians that feel loved. How great and productive the discussions would be when each point of view can enrich the totality of a topic. Imagine couples where both feel loved. How nurturing and supporting can they be towards each other? How high can that relating take them, with no one getting offended, just being enriched by the others point of view? I would love to experience that for sure, so I guess I will have to start loving my shadows!
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is an artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Vitorio De Janeiro is an Astrologer, who travels the world in exploration of Astrology, Shamanism, Art and Music. In his “previous life” Vitorio was an enterpreneur who ran businesses between United States, Brazil and Europe.
Whats up next?
– If you are Swedish and want some support in getting on with your own meditation practice you can sign up on this E-course. Now 20% summer discount.
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Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Jul 21, 2016 | Inspiration
Photo: Dina Shakirova Text: Jonas Faremo
Love everything, and you will see that love is everywhere
Well, its true isnt it?
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is an artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Dina Shakirova makes photoart on Instagram with her smartphone and Henna tattoos that blows your mind. If you ever have the chance to try here extremely healing and painful massages please do! Follow her on Instagram:
Whats up?
– If you are Swedish and want some support in getting on with your own meditation practice you can sign up on this E-course. Now 20% summer discount.
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Contact Click here to stay in contact and receive a free “Slidecoach”.
Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Jul 9, 2016 | Inspiration, Okategoriserade
Photo: Fenixx Kali Lovestar Text: Jonas Faremo
Emptiness – it´s not what you think!
There’s is a possibility you have a weird view on emptiness. I did, and it hugely limited the power of thought and the power to lessen suffering. Finding back to experience emptiness in a more real way can contribute to things we long for – inner peace, harmony, stillness, clarity. And take you back towards a more real self.
“-Bullshit!” maybe someone says. Great! Take that as an example. Those words appeared in emptiness. Listen to it and see the thought. Actually it can only exist if there is emptiness. Without emptiness “bullshit” cant appear. (Nor dog shit…) Look and listen to that word again. Above it – space, under it – space, right, left behind and in front of it – space! That space that you are is emptiness. Thoughts, which we usually identify with and think as “me” is a very small part of you. So bullshit and emptiness goes together just as anything we interpret as an object only exists together with space. They go together. A room is mostly space and the sofa, the table and the dog shit under it can only exist if there is room. They go together; space needs “something” be be a space.
Take the sense of hearing as another example. Emptiness or silence is the very circumstance in which sounds and words can exist. What is there most of right now, silence or sound? Silence of course, the space in which my words echo is far greater the petty words. But automatically the mind gives attention to the objects, in this case the sound of the words. For the mind that’s the only real thing. So it identifies with thoughts and fantasies when it is very obvious that what you are is not thought and inner movies. Who is it then who experience them? Yes you are much more of emptiness then thoughts but through the years we automatically identified with thoughts and now the thoughts is the boss, we think that’s “me” talking.
Hearing is a good example also on how we create stress and burn energy instead of being efficient and economic with energy. Someone whispers to you; -Listen! And you immediately start to do something. Tension around the ear, lean the head forward etc. None of which helps the hearing in any way. You hear already. This tension we create all the time as a reaction to outer stimuli without knowing. If we cultivate the identity with the emptiness we will slowly stop doing this. We are present and a vast space, things happen and they are nothing we need to react on. Thought, emotions, outer events like persons and situations. There is plenty of room.
How to cultivate inner peace?
Looking for inner peace? There are luckily many ways to cultivate inner peace. Here is one: Look for the space in between the thoughts some meditation teachers say. I say there is much more to look for. Look around the thoughts. The stream of thoughts and movies doesn’t appear on a horizontal line like this text. They appear in a 3d environment we can call awareness. Some say this is infinite, the very stuff that all consists off. It’s in the same space wherein the event of your body appears.
So look for the space around the thoughts. Try it now for example; Close your eyes and take deep soft breath and listen to the next thought. When it appears, look for the space around it by pin pointing the exact location of the thought in your awareness. WHERE does it appear? This is a great meditation practice if done with equanimity, that is a non-judging attitude. Give no value to what appears, instead notice; “where” and then lean back into the space of awareness and curiously see where next thought or movie appears. Is there space in between the perceived thought and the perceiver? Behind the thought? To the right? Left? Right? In front of? See how much peace there is inside you!!! Maybe that peace doesn’t even have boundaries?
Why cultivate inner peace?
Peace, stillness, emptiness, void, space – this is where the power of thoughts lies; the power of creation and the power to lessen suffering. Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond. You can see the ripples going to all of the shores of that pond. You can easily observe the ripples and not identify with them if they wouldn’t serve you. On stormy water you can throw the Empire state building and it wouldn’t make a difference. You struggle to fight the waves and the chance of being the observer of the waves is very small when you feel you are drowning.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is an artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Fenixx Kali Lovestar is a belly dancing apsara performance artist with an eye for “the image”.
Whats up?
– If you are Swedish and want some support in getting on with your own meditation practice you can sign up on this E-course. Now 20% summer discount.
Follow this art-project on Facebook:

Contact Click here to stay in contact and receive a free “Slidecoach”.
Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Jul 2, 2016 | Inspiration, Okategoriserade
Photo: Jonas Faremo Text: Jonas Faremo
What do you do for a living?
Are you living your dream life? If not, it can be closer then you think. Whatever excuses you created for not living it now; “I need that, I need this”, is a detour to experience the magic of life – more then you ever dreamt of.
Let go of your wants and desires for a while and appreciate what you are. Next moment comes out of this moment. If we are free and satisfied we can easily create more of that around us. If we are unsatisfied and not enough what you create in the next moment will come from that space of lack, hence easy to create more lack.
Who are you without a memory and without desires in this moment? Isn’t it just magic being alive in universe right now? If not, you experience your thoughts (story) about reality and not reality itself. This happens easily and I do it all the time. I give value to things, good/bad and create desires and expectations – all which create suffering and takes me further from experiencing the magic of life in universe – reality.
You can practice to experience reality instead of your thoughts of reality. This practice I call meditation. It brings your closer to experience the magic of life because it takes you further from identifying with the limited thoughts.
– When and where is your dream life?
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is an artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Me and my ego.
Next steps?
– If you are Swedish and want some support in getting on with your own meditation practice you can sign up on this E-course. Now 20% summer discount.
– If you don’t understand a word Swedish I give private meditations sessions in English. Send an e-mail to inquire more.
Follow this art-project on Facebook:

Contact Click here to stay in contact and receive a free “Slidecoach”.
Coaching & Guidance Click here to see what Jonas Faremo Offers.
About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.
by jonas | Jun 29, 2016 | Inspiration
Model: Olle Faremo Photo: Malin Faremo Text: Jonas Faremo
Only in memory does the thing we call history exist. Only in fantasy does the thing we call future exist.
Stop everything for a moment and imagine yourself without memory. And imagine yourself having nothing to take care of other then what is in the body right now. Who would you be?
Life is a happening in the now. Its an event that sometimes goes by the name universe, existence, God or consciousness. Like a river running through you also universe happens through “you”. Ever fresh.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Olle is a performance artist turning the simple thing of being himself into an art. Unspoilt and unfiltered he performs in front of the camera without performing…
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About Click here to read about Jonas Faremo.