by jonas | Dec 15, 2016 | Inspiration
Photo: Marina Canalis Text: Jonas Freeman
Yeah I want happiness for real…
What are you postponing that can only be experienced in this moment – the only moment life ever happens? Real happiness doesn’t need any reason. Real happiness doesn’t need something opposite bad to exist. It comes for no reason and without comparison to any other moment in time.
The fact that the mind is a conditioned entity formed by habit makes this kind of strategy the most contra productive there is! The fact that happiness only can experienced in this moment, not in the future, (when that imagined future arrives it will again be only “this moment”) makes it even more silly to constantly create obstacles for happiness.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is sometimes combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Marina Canalis is an Italian goddess and artist living in Bali. She express herself mostly through painting but also jewellery and like graphic design. Follow her on Instagram; “marina_canalis“.
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by jonas | Dec 15, 2016 | Inspiration
Photo: Marina Canalis Text: Jonas Freeman
Yeah I want peace of mind…
What are you postponing that can only be experienced in this moment – the only moment life ever happens? The fact that the mind is a conditioned entity formed by habit makes this kind of strategy the most contra productive there is! The fact that peace of mind only can experienced in this moment, not in the future, makes it even more silly to constantly create obstacles for peace of mind.
Would you like to be a better leader, colleague, athlete, artist, lover, parent or friend – allow peace of mind now.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is sometimes combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Marina Canalis is an Italian goddess and artist living in Bali. She express herself mostly through painting but also jewellery and like graphic design. Follow her on Instagram; “marina_canalis“.
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by jonas | Nov 17, 2016 | Inspiration
Photo: Marina Canalis Text: Jonas Freeman
Maybe your greatest success in life is the fact that you breathe!
The strive for outer achievements springing out of discontentment and fear of pain can turn into relaxed action happening from the foundation of contentment if we get more intimate with the more philosophical/existential questions in life. With the right perspective anything can turn into a blessing.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is sometimes combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: Marina Canalis is an Italian goddess and artist living in Bali. She express herself mostly through painting but also jewellery and like graphic design.
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by jonas | Nov 1, 2016 | Inspiration, Okategoriserade
Model: Jonas Faremo Text: Jonas Freeman
Do you remember that box of mixed chocolates the grown ups had on the table when you where young? You know it’s all good, but some pralines just tastes crap!
I say its all good even if some parts of life taste crap. “-But is it all good, or is this just a thing you coaches are supposed to say now and again to convince yourself,” someone might ask.
I don’t know that of course but if you do like me and look back on your worst “failures”, “mistakes” and “crises” – the crappy pralines in the box – I’ll bet they are the point of growth for you as for me. In retrospect the crappy tastiing praline is a great gift that set you off into a more beneficial direction and made you what you are today. They maybe tasted crap at the time but they where still chocolate! And chocolate is good!
…And what difference can this make for me?
What can this approach do for you in this moment when maybe something gives you a not so good taste in the mouth, when life seems to conspire against you? Don’t you lick yourself around the mouth and say; “its chocolate and its good!”, with a big smile on your face? I think you will. And compare it to the approach that life consists of “good” experiences and “bad” experiences. The smile will not come as easily if you think you just enter into a “bad” one…
The mind have a tendency to value things as good and bad, beneficial or non beneficial. In reality it’s only as it is and that “is:ness” is NOW. Actually there is no mistakes in universe. Because it can never be in any other way in this moment. And this moment is all that exists, and ever will exist. How can a mistake exist if it can be in no other way? Also, as quantum physics pointed out – there is no single separate event in Universe. So it took the whole universe to make this moment. To make you. It’s all chocolate.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is sometimes combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
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by jonas | Oct 28, 2016 | Inspiration, Okategoriserade
Model: Jonas Faremo & Mimi Khimich Photo: Laura Khimich Text: Jonas Faremo
Where does it live? Get to the root cause of dissatisfaction is only possible if you find where it exists. If it lives within you – that is also where the cause is found. Now, this doesn´t mean that you cant change things. But if we only change environment when we feel dissatisfaction, that is the pattern we will strengthen. Something will always need to change in order for us to feel satisfied. That means that we give all our power to outer circumstances. We become victims to what other people do. Thats just not a smart strategy in the long run.
I used to live mostly like a reaction to outer circumstances. The will to find truth and to end my dissatisfaction and other modes of suffering led me to make constant self awareness the most important thing in life. With that came in-sights. Important in-sights that made me more and more free of the whims of the outer environment. Hence less and less a victim to other people and the events of universe. This regardless of if I was managing a project, trying to love my dissatisfied lover or dealing with a tax audit. Thats why I kept self awareness as the most important thing in life. It gradually makes life more of what I want it to be and me a more powerful force of what I want me to be. …Whoever this “I” am.
Artist: Mimi and Laura are the kids of a good friend of mine and are truly artists. Not just spontanious life artists but also trained in various crafts of art.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
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by jonas | Oct 20, 2016 | Inspiration, Okategoriserade
Model: Jonas Faremo Photo: Mama Faremo Text: Jonas Faremo
“Most people I know are not as they supposed to be. They are behaving improperly and weird and should really take a look at themselves! Some are better then me though, but most are worse.”
Well, if I would listen to my mind this would be my reality. Its cultivated to evaluate, compare and judge. But really, who the f*ck am I to judge in universe? Before that cultivation, when I was a baby like on the picture, my mind was free from the habit of judging and comparing. The mind just perceived reality as it was; life happening in universe. The mind reacted to its instincts to attract food and love, but there was no thinking going on, it wasn’t “trying” to get love. There were no stories regarding that “dirty” guy with the tattoos or the “fat” girl in the cafe or the “un-cool kid” in the class or the “notsolovingassheshouldbe partner” in front of the tv.
Living a conscious life in mindfulness is to cultivate a beginners mind. A mind that is pure and can see things without the filter of judgments. Like the baby, but with consciousness. Every moment is fresh, new and interesting. People love to be around those people that have no judgments. People have a possibility to grow and evolve around a person that has no judgments. We see ourselves more clearly in the mirror of people that has no judgements. We are less scared to see ourselves in the mirror of people that has no judgments. Isn’t it so? Think about people that “take energy” to be around, and people that “gives energy” to be around.
In practicality, cultivating a beginners mind without judgement is mostly a un-cultivation of the mind. To see where judgments arise in the mind by automatic and just BE AWARE of them (without judging them) instead of BEING them; “he is dirty, she is fat, my partner isnotaslovingassheshouldbe etc”. By time the automation to judge and compare dissolve by itself and becomes weaker and weaker – the mind gets purified.
What is this?
This playful combination of word and image is a purely artistic project inspired by stillness. The text came out of meditation and is combined with artwork or photo from an artist. Our hope is that it will inspire to a small halt of reflection in the otherwise entertainment-heavy stream of pictures at the internet.
Artist: The model “Little Jonas” completely is innocent. He has no idea that he is a model and will exposed and used by the “Big Jonas” year 2016 in a blog post. He doesn’t even know “blog” or “2016” or “years” or “time” for that instance. Mama Faremo however has a broad artist vein running in her body and when younger painted paintings that decorated the walls of our house. Hopefully she picks up the brush again.
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